Saturday, June 29, 2013

Interesting walks

I've been taking photos of some interesting things on my walks, so I thought I would share some.

Here is a mailbox that is over 20 feet tall. It is made from a dead tree and has an eagle sculpted on the top.

One of my first walks this year was when the cottonwood was flying. This looked like a blizzard. I wish the picture did it justice. Yes, the white spots on the picture that look like snow are cotton from the cottonwood trees.

These are streets that really are not streets. The first is never used, has no houses on it and the woods next door are growing over the pavement. The second is -- well honestly I don't know. It looks like there was never a street and the person that lives next door parked their car there. But it does have a Street sign, so I walked both of these.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Donations gladly accepted


The donation site is back up and the link to the right is up to date. Follow the link to the MS Society's secure site. Don't like to follow links or don't know me? Just go directly to the MS Society's site and donate. Let me know about the donation so I can track my progress.

For newcomers to the site, this is where I track my progress on the Long Walk in Grand Rapids. I am walking every street in the city of Grand Rapids from end to end. So far, I have walked 400 miles and will complete 500 by the end of this year. I will likely complete the Long Walk by the end of 2014. Read more in the older posts on this site.

For everyone else, thanks for your support! Whether you donated money, encouragement or just shared the link to the blog with friends, you have helped in the fight against MS.

Please share this blog with friends!